Play Solitaire: Your Favorite Card Game is now Online for Free

Play Solitaire will become your favorite online pastime

by Claudiu Andone
Claudiu Andone
Claudiu Andone
Oldtimer in the tech and science press, Claudiu is focused on whatever comes new from Microsoft. His abrupt interest in computers started when he saw the first Home... read more
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  • Play Solitaire will cure your nostalgic feeling with changing looks and more features.
  • You will be able to play the game as soon as you reach the website.
  • Choose from one or three draw cards and many other features.
Play Solitaire online solitaire for free

A lot of us remember the good times back when everyone had Windows XP, no Internet, and the only way we could entertain ourselves was with a quick game of Solitaire or Spider Solitaire.

Well, that card game never lost its charm, and there are plenty of interpretations of it available nowadays for anyone to try out, one such service being Play Solitaire, a free online solitaire game that anyone can play from anywhere.

Play Solitaire as soon as you visit the page

If you love quick gaming sessions, you’ll like how by just accessing this service’s website you are thrown straight inside a game, the only choice that you need to make being whether to play a 3-card or a single-card game.

The animation of the game is very fluid and we didn’t experience any FPS spike while playing it, and the art style is a mix between cartoonish and overly simplistic, so if you’re into 3D eye candy, this game isn’t for you.

However, if you’re just here for the gameplay, you’ll have loads of fun, especially since the website offers several tools that spice the entire experience up.

For example, you can customize the card design, as well as the background, you can send other users emails straight from the web page, and you even have detailed game statistics so you can keep track of how well you play.

The rules of Solitaire

Right under the game screen, you’ll find an entire section containing both texts and images explaining how to play Solitaire, so even if it’s your first time playing, the rules will be laid out for you in a simple manner.

They even went so far as to give players a few tips on how to get better, and we found that to be incredibly useful, especially for youngsters that haven’t dabbled in Solitaire ever.

Lastly, if you really get stuck and can’t figure out what your next step should be, they’ve included a Hint button that will light up cards and the location they should be taken to in order to progress along.

However, if the cards aren’t favorable and you get completely stuck, you can undo your last moves. More so, there’s always the option to reset the game and start completely over.

All in all, we recommend Play to anyone that wishes for a quick card game, so go ahead and give it a try, it’s completely free!

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