Microsoft wants you to replace Firefox with Edge

by Vlad Turiceanu
Vlad Turiceanu
Vlad Turiceanu
Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming... read more
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micorosft suggests replacing firefox with edge

As you may know, Microsoft started out the year 2020 with a series of major changes:

Speaking of the latter, their campaign to convince users to switch to their newer browser has reached a new height. It seems that as of recently, users would get suggestions in their Start Menu to replace Mozilla Firefox with Microsoft Edge.

The suggestion was first spotted by a Redditor who went to comment on the ad, having to say the following about it:

This must be the most cringing suggestion text I have ever seen in win10.

edge over firefox

Users aren’t pleased with Microsoft’s suggestions

This is just another step in their effort to make more and more users use their Chromium-based browser. At first, Microsoft would urge users to stop using Internet Explorer also through the Start Menu.

This wouldn’t be much of a big deal since both products belong to Microsoft, and it is only natural that they would guide you to a better and safer option. However, the fact that they are now suggesting it as an alternative to a third-party browser is quite controversial.

Suggesting that your product is better than others without actually giving a name is a common practice. However, the fact that these ads are specifically targeted towards users of a certain browser is quite interesting.

User backlash was soon to follow, as everyone was eager to support the poster’s opinion. Some even went on and added that:

I would understand if it said ”Still using Internet Explorer” but that is just nasty

They even commented on how Microsoft suggests you switch to Edge when you use the Start Menu’s search function to look for Internet Explorer.downlaod edge

Microsoft hasn’t commented on this decision, nor did it offer an explanation on why it has specifically targeted Mozilla Firefox users. Whichever the case, the suggestion was not well-received.

The only bright side is that disabling Start Menu suggestions is quite simple, so you don’t have to see such posts any longer.

What’s your take on Microsoft’s latest move against Mozilla Firefox users? Share your thoughts in the comments section below and we’ll continue the talk.

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